Sunday, September 10, 2006


The meaning of such a dirty word in GW PvP, and most MMO type games, is actually far from it's roots. Initially such terms as "scrub", "newbie", etc., was used to further marginalize a very green beginner. Now it has come to have a very different meaning and to be truely offensive to some, quite laughable to others. n00b, in most uses I experience, is used to call attention to someone who should know better, probably does know better, and just chooses to be obliviously stupid. The definition of stupid here is someone who has gone from ignorant (those that truely do not understand) to someone who chooses to refuse to follow all logic that exists, including what they DO understand. Examples in GW PvP include those Warriors and Assassins (and to some extent just about any profession) that chooses to rush blindly into the enemy and get flat out pwned. Typically they fully overextend the capabilities of their team to have any ability to function cohesively. Often they pull support roles, like Monks, so far out of reasonable safety they get trashed trying to save these rage-flaming idiots. Does your team "Got n00b"?

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