Monday, September 11, 2006

THAT "N" word in Gaming...

I do not know when it became socially acceptable to just go around using such an ugly, foul word at will, but I do know this has become the current second most used derogatory slander next to n00b. Unfortunately the general American black population at large has slowly embraced it's use within their own community to the point it is used in modern day music which the American white youth, and much of the youth abroad, desire to emulate. How can one be a gangsta without using such a word today? I found this article at Wired News interesting.

The problem I have with this word is it's use in gaming. While it may have become socially acceptable and cool to use it in the ways most of the black community choose to, my gaming experience has revealed it to be used with the same vehemence and vitriol that it was popularized (negatively) for in the time of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This word has no place in gaming and companies that provide this PUBLIC avenue of entertainment need to be accountable for ensuring such hate is removed from the environments they provide for public use. In the end, these game companies are the ONLY Police Force in those environments, they ARE the law here, and in my opinion it's time the law started cracking heads.

For the hate mongers out there to be "in the know".

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